* Prices are approximate currency conversions in USD, Euro and GBP. You will be charged in DKK (Danish kroner).
If you already have the game, you can get all the gorgeous playmats in this bundle offer.
🎬 See a short video about the mats – click here
The mats do not have any text on them, so are universal for all languages.
- Lift your play experience to a new level with these 2mm neoprene mats. In this bundle, you get a Game Mat (50x 28 cm) and set of 5 individual Player Mats (34 x 22 cm).
- Keep the decks and the Market well organised in the middle of the table, and each players’ cards organised in front of them.
- Your table will look amazing!
- Not only will the table look even better, but the cards will be much easier to lift off the table during play.
Bundle contains these products
- Central Game Mat in own box
- Set of 5 Player Mats in own box
The game is NOT included, and must be bought separately.